
Native American inlay jewelry is one of the most sought after styles. The popularity of Native American jewelry has allowed tribal artists to explore and expand the boundaries and concepts of their art. Infusing their work with a blend of their own traditions and culture and art concepts from around the world has opened the […]
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Beads have a long history among Native American culture. They have been used as trade goods, worn as adornment, and have even been used to tell stories. Tribes used shell, bone and stone to create these tiny pieces of culture, carving the stories into the material itself. Necklaces of such beads were passed down through […]
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Copper has a longer history than most of us realize. This beautiful metal has been prized for a wide variety of items for thousands of years. And that versatility continues today, keeping copper a popular choice in the modern world. Copper is a soft, malleable metal that was mined long before silver or gold. The […]
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A signature is defined as a way of identifying a person through a unique trait or pattern. For a business, distinctive qualities and designs offer a label by which their product can be known. Turquoise Skies’ Signature Collections are a way for those seeking to purchase fine, handcrafted Native American jewelry to know they have […]
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Silver has been loved and valued for thousands of years. Those who admire its beauty can be found all over the world. From the earliest days of silver mining, silver’s been treasured as currency and valued as jewelry. Proving to be even more versatile, this popular metal has been used to make mirrors, eating utensils […]
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