Signature Collections
A signature is defined as a way of identifying a person through a unique trait or pattern. For a business, distinctive qualities and designs offer a label by which their product can be known. Turquoise Skies’ Signature Collections are a way for those seeking to purchase fine, handcrafted Native American jewelry to know they have come to the right place.
Skyweaver. Enchantment. Spirit Stone. Bosque Boho. Stamp Dancer. Essentials. Each of Tskies’ signature lines speaks to the intricacy of art and materials. Each one speaks to the landscape, the history, the culture of Native people in New Mexico.

For thousands of years, artists from the tribes and pueblos have created designs born from the world around them, from the deserts, the canyons and the arroyos. The plants and animals that share the land with them, the rich canvas of the sky above them, the changing of the seasons have all become part of the designs through the artist’s eye. And through these collections, they have become tangible reminders for all of us of the beauty of the natural world.
Skyweaver, inspired by the geometric patterns of the ancient people of the Southwest, captures the essence of time through the contrast of light and dark. Enchantment draws us into the magic of New Mexico through contemporary designs. Spirit Stone reminds us of the true beauty of simplicity, while Bosque Boho connects us with nature, with Mother Earth. Together they tell us to keep the balance, to protect the natural world.
Stamp Dancer shows us the patterns, the ways in which the world turns, the seasons come and go and the rain brings us beauty. Essentials are timeless heirlooms, created from the enduring designs of indigenous people.
Together these collections reveal the commitment of Tskies’ artists to the preservation of Native American jewelry. These pieces offer the opportunity for tangible expressions of the beauty of Native American culture.