
You may know that turquoise is found in a variety of colors, ranging from a white to dark navy blue to lime green. But did you know that turquoise can actually change color? Turquoise is a very porous and absorptive precious stone. When a turquoise stone is exposed to water, oils and other chemicals it […]
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Turquoise Chalk or Chalk Turquoise is not actually chalk; it is a form of low quality natural turquoise that has the consistency of common writing chalk. Chalk turquoise is the most abundant type of turquoise found in the earth. The best quality turquoise forms near the surface where the weathering, oxidation and pressure conditions are […]
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Turquoise forms in arid regions, where rainwater filters through copper-rich soils and leaves deposits of hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum in apertures in parent rock. As a result, major turquoise deposits generally occur in association with large copper deposits, and copper mining and turquoise harvesting often work hand-in-hand. Turquoise-producing regions have historically included northern […]
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The coming of the railroad changed the landscape of the American West in many ways. With its exotic scenery, the West captured the imaginations of Easterners while the opportunity for business expansion fueled the dreams of entrepreneurs. Traveling by train meant Americans could literally move from sea to shining sea. While the ability to travel […]
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You may have heard this term block turquoise before when shopping for turquoise jewelry. If you are interested in buying turquoise jewelry, then it’s a good idea to know what it means! You must know what questions to ask. Did you know you shouldn’t ask the question “Is that real turquoise?” Because some dealers and […]
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