
Beads have a long history among Native American culture. They have been used as trade goods, worn as adornment, and have even been used to tell stories. Tribes used shell, bone and stone to create these tiny pieces of culture, carving the stories into the material itself. Necklaces of such beads were passed down through […]
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Stamp work designs are among the most popular types of handcrafted Native American jewelry. The name sounds simple, but the skill and effort required to create a stamp which can be used to press a design onto metal is anything but simple. It also takes a great deal of skill to learn how to apply […]
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The world today often seems confusing, making it difficult to separate what’s genuine from what isn’t. Knowing what’s real, what’s authentic, can be hard to discover at times. Even labels are often misleading, more advertising than information. There are, however, some ways to discern the genuine from the imitation, especially when it comes to handcrafted […]
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Historically it’s been used as an offering to the gods for a good harvest or simply for needed rain. The Incas called it “mullu” and they made sure there was always someone to harvest the mollusk for temple offerings. Today it’s called spiny oyster, but its exotic beauty still makes it a prized material for […]
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Pen shell has a long history with Native American artists who have used the shell for a wide variety of types of jewelry. These days, however, the beautiful shell which has long been a traditional part of Native jewelry, faces some challenges thanks to environmental changes.
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