
Father’s Day didn’t become an official national holiday until 1972 when then president Richard Nixon signed the proclamation recognizing the day to honor fathers. Setting aside such a celebration reminds us of the important jobs fathers have been doing for all time. The gifts they pass on to their children are immeasurable. For the artists […]
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Marion Lovato grew up making jewelry with her mother in her home in Santo Domingo Pueblo. She was the baby of the family and would sit on the floor while her mother made her heishe necklaces. Her first duty, she says, was to string the cut stones. Later she worked her way up to drilling. […]
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TookRaymond Gregory is a Tlingit artist, he was born in Juneau, Alaska, and spent his summers in the traditional territory of his Tlingit people in Angoon, Alaska. These times forged his connections to the history and culture of his people. As an adult, his art has explored and expressed those connections, a journey he continues with today. He also is a traditional Tlingit singer and...