
Father’s Day didn’t become an official national holiday until 1972 when then president Richard Nixon signed the proclamation recognizing the day to honor fathers. Setting aside such a celebration reminds us of the important jobs fathers have been doing for all time. The gifts they pass on to their children are immeasurable. For the artists […]
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Many visitors to the Southwest are drawn to the Pueblos during the annual Feast Days. These cultural celebrations bring those both familiar and new to the customs and traditions of the Pueblo people. The celebrations occur at the same time each year, and most Pueblos hold a large Feast Day to honor the patron saint […]
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Restoring political, economic and community power to women is a growing movement in today’s world. For Native women it is especially powerful to reassert these rights. In many cases, doing so restores the cultural beliefs of indigenous groups by returning women to their historical place of influence. It’s a place that was usurped by colonialism […]
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The T.Skies gallery has been a dream of ours for a long time. Thank you for helping us achieve this goal.
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The Indigenous Peoples March calls upon leaders, educators, artists and those desiring change to come together and march “to build the collective power of Indigenous Peoples, communities and Nations.”
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