Perseverance, The Rainfall Bracelet. Wear this to donate to Hurricane Victims
Heroes needed.
Give Your Blessing to Homeless Houston Families.
Rainfall Bracelet sale; 100% of Profits go to Houston Food Bank.
Without hesitation, thousands of Americans rose to the occasion headed to south Texas to help complete strangers, regardless of race or religion. Many towed their personal boats, took food, cameras, and blankets. Others opened their homes and shops to provide shelter to stranded families.
Due to timing or sheer distance, you may not have had the opportunity participate in helping. But now the call goes out for a new hero. As the water recedes it leaves behind the tragedy. Tens of thousands had their lives completely washed away. They return to where their homes once were with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Unfortunately, over 80% of which did not qualify for flood insurance.
These people need your help! We have created this Native American Rain Blessing Bracelet to raise funds to donate to the Houston Food Bank. 100% of the Profit goes to the Houston Food Bank.
All our artist are donating their time to make these unique rain blessing design sterling silver bracelets.
Donations provide necessities such as:
- Canned ready-to-eat items with pull tops including vegetables and fruit
- Protein in pouches or pull-top cans: tuna, beef stew, chili, canned chicken
- Peanut butter
- Snacks: granola bars, breakfast bars, and the like
- Toiletries
- Paper goods
- Diapers
- Cleaning supplies: mops, mop buckets, brooms, bleach wipes, bleach, garbage bags, bug spray
Buy a bracelet now and wear it with pride and know that you are helping a family get back on their feet.