Heirloom and Memories

It’s that time of year once more. As the leaves turn to gold and the weather turns to snow, our thoughts turn to the important things and people in our lives. Families gather together, memories are shared and the past year reflected on. During this time we’re not only reliving the past months, we’re making memories for the coming ones. Those memories will be the cherished talk of the next year as we gather together with our loved ones then. So what we put into them is truly important.
Heirlooms are treasured because they hold our memories and our hearts. Something of value passed down through generations holds far more than the tangible materials it’s created with. This is especially true for heirloom jewelry.
Giving the gift of jewelry is a long tradition. People give various pieces of jewelry to display affection, commitment or connection. Those pieces become treasured family heirlooms, passed on to succeeding generations. So the creation of such jewelry is of the utmost importance.

Fine handcrafted jewelry is highly valued for such gifts. The selection of a ring, necklace or pair of earrings created with the individual receiving them in mind adds an extra layer to the emotional value of such gifts. Using certain stones favored by the person you’re giving to, or precious metals you know they find beautiful are a way of personalizing the piece and adding extra meaning to it.

The artists of Turquoise Skies offer those looking to find just the right piece for someone they love a way to fulfill that hope. Creating custom orders allows you to choose the materials and approve the design so that the gift you give will fit the person you’re offering it to. Each piece is crafted from high-quality materials and designed with an artist’s eye. Purchasing a piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime and beyond, becoming a family heirloom, is made possible by the cooperation between you and the artist. Turquoise Skies is in the business of creating heirlooms and memories for their customers. Let us help you choose the perfect gift this holiday season.