Sometimes it’s hard to separate myth from mundane. And sometimes the two become so intertwined that the “facts” are almost impossible to discern. Perhaps it’s that the human mind needs the fantasy of something out of the ordinary, something unusual....
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Bolts of lightning were said to shoot from the eyes of the Thunderbird and claps of thunder to come from the movement of his wings. Fierce and strong, the Thunderbird brought the storms and the rain, the precious source of...
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Magnesite, also known as “Wild Horse Turquoise,” not having copper nor iron that give turquoise their natural blue and green colors, respectively, is not a true turquoise. Magnesite, rather, is a type of calcite. Specifically, it’s magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) and...
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Opal is a semitransparent mineraloid. Unlike the crystalline forms of silica, it is composed of hydrated silica (SiO2-nH2O), and its water content varies from three to 21%, by weight. In nature, it’s found as irregular veins, in masses, or in...
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Years ago, both black bears and grizzly bears made their home in New Mexico. These creatures are a majestic sight in their natural habitat, despite the cartoon images of our childhood. Other attempts to make these animals cuddly and cute...
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