Turquoise Crystal Healing: More Than Just a Beautiful Stone

Turquoise…it is one semiprecious gemstone that most adults and even children recognize. People around the world have been drawn to this stone for thousands of years. What is it that consistently draws people to turquoise? It could be that in addition to its physical beauty, turquoise is associated with a variety of healing properties.

turquoise bear with crystal geode

Turquoise Bear with Crystal Geode (Photos by Brenda DeHaan)

First of all, you may be wondering how turquoise crystal healing works. In short, our bodies are electrical centers. We have many chakras, or spinning wheels of energy; the main seven chakras align along the spine. If we are at our peak, our energy is flowing head to toe in a smooth, clockwise motion; however, stress, injury, fatigue, and other things can cause our energy to get blocked in various chakras.

Everything has vibrational energy, and sometimes you can feel it. Think about when someone behind you is staring at you, and you turn around and look. When this happens, you are feeling that person’s energy going into your energy field.

Turquoise, like all stones, has a very steady vibrational energy. To see if you can feel it, try one of the following methods:

  1. Curve several fingers and place them an inch above the turquoise. Hold them there for a few minutes and see if you feel a slight humming.
  2. Firmly hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand and see if you feel its “pulse.”

Although everything has energy, the frequencies vary. Compare our decades-old bodies containing a lot of fluid and soft tissue to a stone which is millions of years old and has a fixed geometrical composition. The stone’s vibrational energy is very steady and constant. When it is close to your energy field, it acts as a tuning fork to get your energy back into sync. It’s not that you wouldn’t heal without the stone, but it often accelerates your healing or influences your body to heal more than it would have without the crystal’s energy.

Although not every crystal healing book agrees on every stone’s properties, most agree that turquoise assists with protection and communication. Light blue is the color associated with the throat chakra, so wearing a turquoise necklace or bolo would assist with speaking your thoughts in a truthful, yet tactful manner. Its energy also helps with throat-related disorders. Turquoise protects its wearer as well.

“What I have learned about turquoise and its spiritual properties is that it helps to protect the human soul. The Stone Nation holds a memory and will bring it forward to us so that when we ask them for their help, they will share the knowledge that they hold for it. We need to ask for specific information, not generalities,” said Sherwyn Zephier from the Ihanktonwan Nation. “I have heard Giovanni Cannella, a researcher and author, speak in Nuoro, Sardina, Italy, and a scientist in Los Alamos, New Mexico, also share his findings about how stones hold and share memory. To simplify, the electrical impulses travel from the stone into the human body.”

Specific physical ailments that may be assisted by turquoise include rheumatism, gout, infections, inflammations, asthma and other breathing issues. Emotionally, turquoise helps with balance, endurance, self-realization, and self-confidence. Turquoise helps protect against radiation, electromagnetic energy, and negative energy. This spiritual stone is a good all-around healer on many levels.

Turquoise’s color is influenced by its aluminum and copper contents. A stone’s mineral composition also contributes to its healing properties.

It is crucial to remember that although many people’s lives and health have been improved by crystal healing, it may be used as a complement, not as a replacement to professional medical advice. All doctors’ and other medical professionals’ recommendations should still be followed.

Another consideration is the stone is working for you. It acts like a sponge absorbing and transferring energy to assist your healing. Periodically, you need to cleanse your helper and then recharge it. You may do this by placing it under running water (cleanses, doesn’t recharge), placing it in sunshine or moonlight (especially during a full moon or new moon), using a crystal singing bowl, smudging with sage or palo santo wood, burying it, storing it in brown rice or sea salt, or placing it on a quartz cluster. This list doesn’t include every method, and you will want to search online or in books to get more details and see what feels right to you. Certain stones like amethyst and citrine fade in sunlight, but turquoise should not.

If you don’t like wearing jewelry, you could carry a tumbled turquoise in your pocket, keep one in a dish by your bed or wherever you spend a lot of time, or just play with it in your hand whenever feels appropriate. In order to have an energy exchange, you need it near your energy field.

Although the 25+ healing crystals books in my personal library do not agree on everything, they all support this: follow your instincts. Therefore, if you are drawn to turquoise, add some turquoise to your life. Your instincts know!

Brief Biography – Brenda DeHaan

Brenda DeHaan is a Certified Crystal Healer through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, is a member of the World Metaphysical Association, and is a Healing Touch Level 1 practitioner. She is also a school librarian, English teacher, freelance writer, and jewelry creator. Wire-wrapping semiprecious tumbled gemstones is her specialty; her jewelry may be viewed at

Brenda DeHaan is a Certified Crystal Healer through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, is a member of the World Metaphysical Association, and is a Healing Touch Level 1 practitioner. She is also a school librarian, English teacher, freelance writer, and jewelry creator. Wire-wrapping semiprecious tumbled gemstones is her specialty; her jewelry may be viewed at www.rockincrystals.etsy.com. Her writing has been published in many forms, from greeting card verses and a t-shirt slogan to newspaper and magazine articles. She is the author of three books:  Rockin’ Crystals: How Healing Crystals Can Rock Your Life; The Craft Fair Vendor Guidebook: Ideas to Inspire; and Crafty Decluttering.  

The bolded part is the change.  I no longer want my Lindy Malone pen name or Ask Bella book mentioned.  I hope this will be OK.

All three of my books are available in paperback and e-book versions.  Here’s a link to one of them:



Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition; your doctor’s/health professional’s advice should still be followed. Using crystal energy is an optional, complementary alternative.


Crystal healing classes taken through Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy

The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons & Naisah Ashian

The Crystal Healer by Philip Permutt

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall

Healing Crystals: The A-Z Guide to 430 Gemstones by Michael Gienger

Healing Crystals and Gemstones: From Amethyst to Zircon by Dr. Flora Peschek-Bohmer and Gisela Schreiber