
Fake imitation turquoise jewelry or stones are made to look like natural stones. There are a few different kinds to look out for. George Francis a experienced Navajo silversmith shows us some examples that can be found in jewelry. Please Watch the Video. Can you tell us about fake turquoise? “Yes, and this is really […]
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Imitation or Fake Native American Jewelry is a problem in the southwest silver jewelry industry. In this video George Francis, an expert Navajo silversmith, give his thoughts on this subject along with some great real examples to illustrate this problem. What are your thoughts on Imitation Native American jewelry? “I don’t care for them but […]
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Navajo handmade jewelry is different from hand craft work jewelry. George Francis a master Native American silversmith explains the difference between the two arts. Please support authentic Native American arts and subscribe to this channel as we will be releasing new informative Native American art videos every week.
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In this video George Francis a master Navajo Jewelry silversmith explains a little about Navajo silver jewelry cast work. There are two types sand cast and tufa cast. Cast work involves different types, and there are Navajo silversmiths. We have two types that a lot of people use. Cast work can be done with wax, […]
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