A Spirit of Giving Thanks!

There is an interconnectedness that reminds us we don’t exist in this world alone. Caring for those around us, ensuring they are able to both survive and thrive, and taking care of the things that are of value to all of us is a way to show we understand the real meaning of community. As we enter the season of gratitude, we can express our thanks by looking for ways we can support our community.
November is a time to give thanks, a time to let those you love know how much you feel for them. It’s a time to be grateful for the things that have benefited us and the people who have cared for us. It’s also a time to lend a helping hand to those who are struggling. This year in particular, many are facing a long winter without the ability to provide basic necessities. Many have lost jobs, homes, and even those they love due to the ongoing pandemic.
This year, more than ever, we have the opportunity to show not only our family and friends, but our community that they are in our hearts. It’s even better when we do that in tangible ways. The spirit we celebrate each year in November is the willingness to come together and share resources. Finding ways to share your bounty with those who are struggling is one of the best ways for you to show your gratitude to the community you live in.
Food insecurity is a growing problem thanks to the pandemic. Food Banks are incredible resources for those who need help to feed their families. And Food Banks always need our support. To find such an organization in your area, you can check out https://www.thebalanceeveryday.com/how-to-find-food-banks-in-your-area-2997430. For those in Albuquerque, Roadrunner Food Bank offers assistance to those struggling to put food on the table. You can donate to them at https://www.rrfb.org/.
There are other ways you can show your gratitude for what you’ve received this year by sharing resources with others. Churches and civic organizations often sponsor coat drives to provide warm coats, scarves, etc. to the elderly and to children. Organizations such as Meals on Wheels provides healthy meals to those who are disabled or lack transportation to come to community centers.
So if you have the means, reach out to those in your community who are in need. Incorporating gratitude into your life through helping others will reward you in ways you may not even expect. And a year that’s been a rough one for many will then hold the true spirit of thankfulness.